Thursday, December 8, 2016

Learning Challenge: Attention

I viewed the video about attention and was shocked. I seriously didn't notice the gorilla walking through the video. What?! I knew my attention span was bad but I didn't know it was that bad! Apparently that video gets everyone though. So that's comforting.  She said in the video that it's been noted that an attention span can be as short as 8 seconds. No wonder I can't read a text book or study to save my life! Okay, not an excuse, but still. I love watching brain videos like this. The creative side of me likes learning things about the brain or taking personality tests. I have always thought all of it was so cool. 

I also watched the video on procrastination. I was weary of the Pomodoro Technique because I usually don't like using a timer. But it was actually a great idea. I think I'll try it next time I study. Maybe while I study for my big psych final that's coming up this Wednesday! 

1 comment:

  1. If you like brain videos you should watch the show called Brain Games. It used to be on Netflix but it shows the science behind why most people miss the gorilla but they also show all kinds of other cool brain teasers and tricks and stuff like that! I absolutely loved it. Its one of those shows you can have on in the background for white noise, but it is also cool to watch!
