Friday, December 9, 2016

My Famous Last Words, Really

Well, we have come to that time in the semester. Yes, you guessed it, the end. (Hallelujah) I mean, darn! But really, I have so enjoyed this class. Typically learning isn't an enjoyable thing to me. I have a hard time staying focused in my classes because I typically lack interest for the topic. And while reading has never been a huge interest to me, I liked being able to read then transform these stories into somethIng I could call my own. I am really into writing poetry and have been since I was about ten. This was a bit different than poetry, of course, but it strengthened me as a writer and I appreciate that. There were so many talented people in this class. I truly enjoyed reading all their stories each week. Unfortunately, I never got to all of them, but the ones that I read I really liked. 

This semester as a whole was a bit rough. After being in school for sixteen years total now, I am a bit burnt out. I finally declared a major this semester- communication, so that's a tiny step in the right direction. Truthfully I just picked it because at this point I had to pick something. It's a bit sad, but my passions don't lie in classes with textbooks and exams. My passions are for people, animals and writing. It's something you have to god out in the world and do. You can't be taught these things. So I just need the degree that says I am dedicated enough to stay in school. For the sake of a steady job in the future, I have to push through. This class has been a light through it all though. While it is quite a bit of work, it is easy and interesting. It allowed me to tap into my creative side and that's when I'm truly the happiest.

I chose this painting because I wanted to pick something that I felt portrayed passion. I love the colors and how abstract the faces are. Also there is just a lot of emotion here. 


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