Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Ramayana Reading Options

I actually took this class because my roommate Natalie took this class last semester and absolutely loved it! Therefore she was gracious enough to allow me to use her books! With that being said, I will be using Narayan's Ramayana. 

This class is actually very exciting because all of this material is new to me! I have not ever researched anything about India Epics but I'm very eager to learn about them. Truthfully I haven't been into any type of mythology, of course I have watched movies that had ties to mythology but besides that... I am pretty uneducated in this area!! I did attend a private Christian college once upon a time and i did take two religious classes. In those classes we did touch briefly on other religions but it was really nothing too in depth. 

Indian culture seems like something I would truly enjoy learning about. Though I have no ties to Indian culture really, I think this will allow me to grow in new ways. I am so excited to gain more knowledge on the Indian culture and epics that are intertwined within in. I am sure that there are many things I can take away from reading these epics and I hope I will walk away knowing more than a thing or two about Indian epics and mythology!!

(Narayan's Ramayana)

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