Sunday, August 28, 2016

Tips for Starting the Semester.

If you're looking for tips on how to be a studious college student who never procrastinates and always finishes assignments way ahead of time, you have come to the wrong place.

I have always aspired to be that girl, the one with the planner. The one who has every assignment, appointment, work shift, date night written down and color coated. But I am just not her. (Tho I did purchase a Passion Planner this year.) Actually planners themselves stress me out because I feel like you have to plan for your planner. 

I feel like I'm really just hitting way under the bar here for this assignment cause I really have no tips for you all. (Hoping, praying you have tips for me.) But I am so eager to read all of your tips and maybe you can help me achieve my goal to be a planner girl! Usually I just keep all my info stored in my cranium and hope for the best. Not always the best decision tho. I'll admit, I have missed an assignment or two, or three... in my day. 

However during the few times I have attempted to be on top of things, I usually just write down all I have to do in a notebook. Then stare at it. Then take a nap- in order to prepare myself for this workload. Then eat... maybe I'll watch some Netflix and then I'll start in on the list. 

Moral of this blog post- don't come looking for tips on how to be organized from the girl who's doing this assignment (due at 12am) at 10:26pm the night of. 

1 comment:

  1. I've always found the idea of deadlines to be really interesting when it comes to learning... like, why does my learning need to be displayed at certain time intervals? What is unique about midnight after a unit is over that makes it the perfect time for me to display what I've learned? I love how this class allows slightly more flexibility.
