Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Thoughts on Growth Mindset


Okay, this is an amazing concept. How have I not heard of this till now?! I think it was practically made for me. I definitely have a fixed-mindset. I was a 4.0 student in high school and once I started college that all changed. I have received As, Bs, Cs and I have even failed once. This really hindered my willingness to put in the effort to do well in my classes. I am a horrible time manager and when I have a lot of assignments for multiple classes I usually just become overwhelmed and don't do any of them till the last minute because I feel like I have to prioritize one over the other. 

The idea that someone does not fail but is given the grace to try again and succeed is genius. I can see also though, why it could be a problem. Of course some people may take advantage of this and never get anything done but personally I know if I were given a second chance to either complete an assignment or score a higher grade- it would boost my confidence in my ability to learn and give me an incentive to try harder for the future. 

I love that Professor Laura has given us growth mindset challenges to try. I am actually extremely eager to try them. I think the 'Grow By Watching Others' challenge is one of my favourites. To try to learn from my peers seems like an awesome idea. I'm so ready to try to apply growth mindset to my life. I think this week I will try the 'Grow-Your-Writing-Process' challenge just to break out of my comfort zone a bit!

PS- Love all the growth mindset kitties. 


  1. Woo, MORE extra comments!

    I think it's so funny that I just commented on your other post with my experience of failure and how it's helping me grow. Learning to work with failure has become something very important in my life, because I used to be very rigid to doing things perfectly. But embracing failure as a learning opportunity is like... the greatest life hack. I even feel less anxious!

  2. Hey Madelyn! I also really love the growth mindset kitties! They definitely make my day every time I see them on the canvas’ homepage for this course. I have had to really work on my fixed mindset and think that the information presented in this class is extremely helpful for opening up one’s mind to new possibilities. I hope to continue to expand my own knowledge and abilities by using this!

  3. Hey Madelyn, I'm also a big fan of the growth mindset cat memes. They're hilarious and actually tend to have some nice material to them. They're a great way to really lighten up the mood when starting on a project. I hope you have good luck with the growth mindset for this semester!

  4. I have to agree with you... last year, I was really struck by how different college was from high school. My teachers always told me that AP classes would prepare me for college, but that was not the case. Not that college classes were harder, but rather, high school teachers don't cancel class just because they want to. They are certainly two different worlds.

  5. Isn't it interesting how getting one or two bad grades can really impact how we view our own academic success. Have you tried maybe imposing earlier academic deadlines on yourself? That's something that I find to be really effective... You tell yourself that something is "due" a day or two earlier so that you don't have everything actually due on one day!
