Thursday, August 25, 2016

Storybook Favorites

There are so many talented authors and so many wonderful storybooks to choose from but here are three of my favourites!!

Hello, Where Am I?
I found this storybook to be extremely intriguing! The thought of falling through puddles and essentially time traveling is such a fun idea. I'm sure this storybook keeps it's readers interested and engaged the whole way through! The topic is unfamiliar to me, I actually know nothing about Indian Epics so I don't even know who Sita is. (Except for the fact that she's in love, and you know how I love me a good love story!) I was hooked after reading the intro, I loved how it began with the speaker in the story talking to herself, it made me eager to learn what she was talking about. I felt like the layout of the page was very easy to read, large print with a nice font which I felt allowed me to really indulge in the story. I found that the storybook was very easy to navigate with links to each part of the story located at the top. Each part included one picture which I liked because it made it look neat and I feel that if too many pictures were included it could look cluttered or feel a bit overwhelming.

Photo from Hello, Where Am I storybook
CSI: Indian Epics
What a creative idea!! This seems so interesting! Honestly I don't watch much CSI but I've always enjoyed murder mysteries. This is such a fun twist to put on the Indian Epics and its cool that the reader has the goal of solving the mystery of who killed Bhishma. I am not particularly a fan of the notebook paper layout though I do understand it fits with the theme. I usually appreciate something more simple that allows you to really focus on the storyline. I do think this storybook is very well written and is able to capture and keep the readers attention. This was a fantastic idea for a storybook!

Love Through the Eyes of Nature
I actually laughed out loud when I saw the end of the introduction which says "xoxo, gossip squirrel"! I used to watch Gossip Girl and loved that show and all of its drama, as cheesy as it may be. The show kept you hooked with all the major twists and turns they would throw at you constantly! The love stories are probably what kept me watching the most though. I liked the layout, this one was also very easy to read with links to each part located on the sidebar. I just love the idea behind this and that the storybook is based off the gossip the animals hear. So so clever and hilarious!!! I think this would be a great read and I'm sure the author had tons of fun coming up with this idea and writing it!!

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