Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Comment Wall

Hello everyone! My name is Madelyn Amacher! I'm excited to get to know you all this semester, please leave your comments for me here!(:


  1. I have read a few of your stories and I have loved all the ones that I have read. I like your style of writing and the way you put together your author notes. The background to your blog is very pretty and makes it very unique. Also your set up is very easy to navigate through I like how everything looks like it is in its place.

  2. Your stories were always so fun to read. Most of them are so happy. There’s so much love in most of them too. It’s so easy to be cynical but your stories are unique and refreshing. Even the ones with dark elements read with some really moving moments. The first thing that pops into my head is the Rama being a jerk to Sita story. Obviously, all of his actions are terrible. The moment with Sita and her children though was very touching. You’re really good at capturing those moments. I think a really good challenge for you would be write an epilogue to one of your stories. What happens after the happy ending? I’d dig seeing how you’d spin that tale. Hopefully you’ll hop over to the other class and continue writing stories there! It’d be really interesting to see your take on a lot of the romantic Greek mythology stories.
