Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introduction to... The Possibilities Are Endless.

Hola. Hello. Howdy. Hi there! My names Madelyn Amacher, you can call me Madelyn- or Mads... if you're feelin' lazy!(; So, I'm supposed to tell ya'll a bit about me... let me see if I can do so and manage not to put you to sleep!
I am twenty one years old, born on Thanksgiving (they call me a turkey baby). I have two wonderful parents and I am the eldest of three. I have an 18 year old sister named Malori and a 15 year old brother named Will. I am from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma born and raised. I know, I clearly went SUPER far to college but let me tell you coming to OU was an upgrade. I started out at Southern Nazarene University, which I hated more than anything... closest thing I can compare that university to would be jail. Since I could no longer stand to spend another second at that school I left after the Fall 2014 semester and spent Spring 2014 at UCO, just taking nine hours and commuting from my home (compromise with the rents). FINALLY, for Spring 2015 semester I came to OU. Best. Decision. Ever. Yes, this is only my second year at OU. 

You're probably thinking at this point, okay awesome Madelyn you win the award for the person who's transferred schools most in college- but whats your major? Well, well, well I am actually taking suggestions currently for a good major- please leave your suggestion in the comment wall. Kidding, but yes it is true I am a fourth year and I am undecided. (I'll be taking that fifth year victory lap.) I actually did declare a major once upon a time, I was Biology Pre-Veterinary Medicine my second semester of freshman year. But after failing Organismal Bio I realized that maybe being a Vet just wasn't really in the cards for me.

And that brings me to talk about my biggest passion of all, animals. (Yes that is a bird in the top left picture.) I have had a heart for animals ever since I can remember. Over the years I have rescued countless little furry friends, most being kittens. I am a huge supporter of the saying "adopt don't shop" and I'm not particularly fond of breeders. I hope to one day be able to educate people on the importance of spaying and neutering our pets and how it contributes to the overpopulation issue around the world. The more animals I can save from being euthanized the happier I'll be. I hope to one day be able to open my own animal rescue as well! I have four dogs and one sugar glider! One dog lives at my dads and her name is Sweetie and the other three live with my mom, their names are Star, Willow and Maggie. And for those of you who are thinking "what the heck is a sugar glider?", well let me enlighten you! A sugar glider is much like a flying squirrel except she is actually a marsupial. So like kangaroos she has a little pouch where she would keep her babies if she had any! They are also nocturnal, meaning they are awake at night and sleep during the day! (The kind of schedule I'm typically on!)

Can you tell that this little girl is one of my favourite rescues of all times? I got to raise her from an itty bitty baby, bottle feeding her every two hours! Exhausting yes, but it was so worth it! She was by far the hardest baby to give up but she has such a perfect loving forever home! I named her Nugget, Nug for short but her name is now Poppy!

Another passion I possess is a passion for people. I love being a friend, as silly as that may sound. But I think there is truly so much importance in knowing how to truly be a good friend to someone. These days with technology and social media in the way it can be really tough on any relationship. But loyalty and acceptance are two of the most important qualities I think someone can possess so I try my hardest to give that to others.

Hmmm, what else? Ah... I also love writing. I write songs as well as poetry- it's kinda my outlet. I sing as well and can play piano a bit and am attempting to learn guitar. Music is a big part of my life and I truly don't know if I could live without it! I also love love love country two-stepping. I've always wished I were a dancer and during my freshman year at SNU some students there taught me how to two-step and I fell in love. I typically go to Cowboys OKC every Friday night to dance because its free with a college ID! I would absolutely love to one day compete. I also do photography on the side as well.(:

I can't wait to get to know you all as well! Cheers to a fun semester ahead!


  1. I may have gotten confused and thought your trip story was your introduction. Solid possibility.

    First off, howdy is always an awesome opening.

    B, staying in state is one of the best things you can do. It’s almost half as expensive. Say you didn’t go far away with pride! It just means your financially responsible. Taking nine hours was also academically responsible for your situation. It’s all just how you tell it.

    3, I really hope you infuse SNU with one of your stories this year. A terrible prison school is an interesting location to stage something.

    I’ve run out of ways to change the opening. IV maybe? So, you have three schools? That’s all? I’m taking the crown from you. It’s now the awesome Rand crown for most transfers. I have OU, then went to OCCC to save money, then OSU, then UCO, and now I’m circling back to OU. Boom. I win. Wait, did I want to win that?

    Reading through your introduction I think the best degree for you would be something with non-profits. You love helping people and animals. You could set up something to educate people about the benefits of adopting, and how breeding is actually creating unhealthier dogs. You could incorporate the promotion of fostering animals. Couple that with how much you love your friends, and you’ve got a bonded and driven team supporting a good cause.

    An alternative idea is to do Information Science. It’s a step to being a librarian. You said you love reading and poetry. That and your personable attitude would make a good fit for a library career. I may be impartial, though, as that’s my major.

    I had no idea what a sugar glider was. Thanks for teaching me something new.

    I think Star and Willow should go on an adventure together. They sound like lead characters from a YA novel. You could definitely get away with writing them into a story for class.

    A+ for all the loyalty and friendship. My best friends are my oldest:

    One-year-old – I met Nathan. His mom and my mom were sorority sisters. We still talk all the time.

    Five years old – I met Tim. We go hiking when we can and visit as much as we can. We text every day.

    6th Grade – I met Derek. He’s still probably my best friend.

    I think your love of writing and poetry will definitely fit this class.

    Two-stepping is the only dance I can do. It still takes a solid amount of coercing and liquid courage for me to get to that point, though. I didn’t even know competitive two-stepping was a thing.

    Judging by that picture, your two-step is next level. You’re doing the chess version. I'm not even at checkers. I’m down around the connect-four level.

    I still used too many words. Sigh. Anyway, nice to digitally meet you!

    1. Ah I see now that you are the king of trasnfering colleges. You can now disregard the part in my comment on your intro about how you worked after high school instead of going to college.

      And hey, I love the suggestions for majors. Anything and everything helps me inch a little closer to a degree!!!

      I loved hearing about your life long friends. All great ways to meet someone and I'm happy they have stuck by your side for so long. Everyone needs people like that!!!

      Don't ever apologize for writing too much cause I myself talk way too much and like it when I find someone who can compete with me!!

  2. Hello!

    What a lovely introduction: you sound like a natural empath. I think it's amazing that you've been so fluid in your quest for an education. When I first arrived to OU I had thoughts of transferring. I'm out of state, so it was really hard to think about having a start all over and add on an additional year of out of state tuition (since I'm an acting major I would most likely have to take on four years in another program). It's important to make sure you love where you are and what you're doing. Your comment on realizing that being a vet just might not be in the cards for you made me reflect; recently I attended a talkback with a director of a shakespeare program in Minnesota and he mentioned that sometimes we have to take a step back and acknowledge that what we thought we wanted to do isn't fitting into our present lives. It's not defeat or failure, just reassessing. I guess that's just part of life! I'm sure you learned a lot of crucial information when you were taking that path.

    Have you ever considered becoming part of an animal therapy program? I don't know much about that, but in my next life I'm calling dibs on service dog. I feel like you'd get a lot of fulfillment in that area. You get to work with animals AND people.

    My friend is currently mommy-ing an abandoned kitten. I think he's had this kitty for maybe a month now? Alpine (the kitten) is about to be 8 weeks old! So sweet and lil! Maybe you could offer some advice I could pass on? Al's face is really messy (because he just shoves his face into his wet food, he's maybe two weeks off the bottle.) and I've heard before that their eyes are very sensitive at this time.

    If you live in the Norman area, or close by, you should check out Second Wind! It's a non-profit coffee house on campus corner, run by the presbyterian church (across from the $3 parking lot on S. University). It's on Buchanan (across from the bike shop). Anyway, they have open mic nights lead by the OU write club every month. Some are general open mics but most of them are poetry slams, and the environment is SO supportive and friendly. You should consider performing some of your work there, if you're into that. We also support a fundraiser called Applause for the Cause that my department (School of Drama) holds every year (it's an organization lead by Broadway Bares and they raise money around the country to help assist victims of aids in the performing arts community). Think of it like a talent show, minus the need to impress or win a prize. We're ALWAYS looking for people outside of the major to join us! You could share one of your songs or poetry!

    Lastly, I've TOTALLY wanted a sugar glider.

    Namaste, new friend!

    1. Man, it has been hard to stick with this whole education thing but I know I will be happy that I did in the end!! I'm glad you ended up staying at OU!
      And yes! As a child I always thought I'd be a vet, I strayed away from the idea when the sight of blood started to freak me out but then revisited it just to make sure it wasn't for me. I think its a profession I really would enjoy but like you said, sometimes you just have to reassess and maybe it just doesn't work out. It was a bummer but I think it was the right choice!!

      You like already get me. I've thought so much about doing something with therapy dogs. I've also considered counseling (did I say that in my intro? can't remember) but I don't want to have to get my masters. Honestly I feel like I will end up somewhere with animal therapy one day!! (Being a therapy dog would really be the best life, I'm with you on that.)

      OH MY GOSH! Yes! I've heard of Second Wind but I've never been! I must go. Open mic nights sound amazing as well as the event your department holds there. We should meet up for coffee sometime, I would love to meet you in person! And maybe one day you can meet Roxy, my glider! (:

  3. Oh, Madelyn, a Turkey Baby: that is so cute! A friend of mine's baby was born on December 31, and he calls him "Tax Baby" ha ha. Turkey Baby is more fun! And look at all the lovely animals in your post. Beautiful! And a sugar glider: I will file that away in my learn-something-new-every-day file. I have never heard of them before!

    Are you going to do an animal project for this class? I hope so! There are so many great animals, both natural and supernatural, in the Indian epics and traditional stories. One of the best stories is about a squirrel, so I will share that with you now: and you are going to be getting to this part of the Ramayana soon too! Rama and the Squirrel. I hope you will enjoy the class... it sounds like it can be a great opportunity to learn about more animals and more animal stories!

  4. I am actually a transfer student to OU as well and although there were several good majors offered that let me start to explore my interests in neuroscience, none of them really allowed me to dive into that interest wholeheartedly without requiring me to take several extra classes that had little to do with my passion. So, I decided to create my own major and submit it for approval as a planned program in neuroscience. So far, I love my classes and I have the freedom to take what I want outside of the program, including upper division Spanish courses. If you think that you might have an interest outside of a major that is offered, I highly recommend looking at designing your own program.

  5. I love animals too. I thought about being a vet at one point, but decided I wanted to treat people instead. My pets will still have a special place in my heart so I think it's really cool that you have rescued a few. Although I am not able to have any pets with me in Norman, I try to volunteer with the animal shelter as much as possible. I'm sure you'll find something to major in soon.

  6. Wow, what an exciting life!! I love that you love dancing... I'm not too good at it, but it doesn't stop me from trying. As it comes to majors, you might explore some of our Non-Profit Management minors out of the Political Science Department? That way, you could start an entire organization devoted to animal advocacy in the OKC area!

  7. Hi Madelyn! I'm so glad that you are now at a school where you are happy and don't feel like you're in a prison! I love animals as well! I've always wanted to foster animals until they can find the right forever home...maybe once I'm finished with school! Little Nugget/Poppy is the cutest thing I have ever seen! She is so precious! I'm excited to get to read some of your stories!

  8. One of my friends went to SNU and has the same opinion of that school. I can't imagine being able to stand that place for more than a few days. It seems that, even if you love a certain subject, taking classes and exams on it is a very different experience. I still enjoy my major, economics, but it's a lot more mathematical and theoretical than I thought it would be. No matter what degree you pick, there's a good chance that you'll wind up doing something quite different when you get out of college.
    How do all of your pets get along? My own dog was a bit wary of my brothers' cats at first, but they live in (relative) peace and harmony now.

  9. Oh my god. I love all the cute animals pictures. I'm an animal lover myself though I don't have any pets currently. As soon as I graduate this year, I plan on picking up a couple dogs. I've really missed having pets.

    It really sounds like you've got plenty of varied and exciting interests. I know what it's like to be from OKC and going to Norman for school. It may not be that far of a trip but at least we get the in-state tuition which is really nice.

    It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope you have a good semester and a great time in this class!

  10. Nice to meet you, Madelyn! I'm so happy you've found a home at OU after basically being in a jail-type school. Clearly, you've found your passion, which some people (like me) still can't find. You should go for vet school. Don't let one class stop you if it's your dream! Of course, you can help animals without being a vet, but we need people who love animals to be vets!! I've seen many sugar gliders (some not so cute) but your precious little girl is definitely the cutest one I've ever seen. I also frequent a country two-stepping club in my hometown called Club Rodeo! My friends always make fun of me, but they don't understand how fun it is to two step even if you're not super country.

  11. Hi Madelyn! It is so neat to meet someone who’s so passionate about animals. I also wanted to become a veterinarian when I was younger but I ended up straying away from that path (for whatever reason I don’t even remember). If I had the space for it, I would adopt all of the animals I would see because animals are just everything. I actually find it very admirable that you still have not decided on your major, sounds weird, but I really do. Often times, I find myself too worried about the future and not enjoying the present to the full extent. That is why I am learning to take life slowly and learn to enjoy the little things it has to offer. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us!

  12. Hi Madelyn! It's wonderful that you're so passionate about animals; have you ever considered going back on the pre-vet route? If not, I'm sure there are plenty of other opportunities for working with animals. Either way it's exciting that you've already found a passion.
    I'm also quite passionate about people. I currently work as an OU tour guide and it's greatly influenced my view of the world outside my little bubble. This was the first year that the class of students I helped recruit came to OU and I got to meet freshmen who I gave tours to last year who still remember things I said to them during their visit and there's something so magical about being able to connect to people that way that technology just can't measure up to.

  13. Hey Madelyn! I think that you should totally go for the vet school dream! If nothing else you could aim for becoming a veterinary tech! I love all those animals in your photos for your intro and cannot get over the little sugar glider. I have two dogs and am constantly trying to convince my parents to get more animals anytime I find them!

  14. I am super glad that you found a school you love. When I tried to do community college, I found that it was not for me and I dreaded going to school everything. I think you should major in something that deals with journalism since you enjoy writing. I admire your love for animals, it really shows how caring of a person you are. I love all the pictures you added because it helped tie into expressing your personally of being photogenic.

  15. Hello Madelyn,
    You sound like a very diverse individual! One they we have in common is that we both hated our first university. I went to a small college in Moore called Hillsdale and I hated almost every second of it. It seems that we have both found where we are meant to be at OU! I hope you decide on a major that you will enjoy! Meanwhile have fun two-stepping and remember that Texas Sucks! BOOMER!

  16. Hello Madelyn! We are the same as far as transfers go! I started out in St Luis for one year than transferred to UCO for a year before finally finding my home at OU! I absolutely hate transferring because of the dumb process it is and the transfer forms you end up having by the end of it all! I also really enjoy 2 stepping! I might not be as good as you but it is one of the most fun things to do in my opinion.

  17. I'm also the oldest in my family! I've got three younger siblings back in Kansas City that I really miss and hope to see soon. I also love that you love music... I'm a singer, but I've never been able to write my own music. What a cool talent to have! I'd love to hear some of your work if possible. :)

  18. Hi! I love that you are still exploring your choices. That is a lot better than getting a degree and later finding out that you do not like it. I would much rather not know then 10 years down the road dislike my life. These pictures of the animals are so cute! I am glad that you finally got to OU and actually enjoy it here.

  19. Hey! I think it is amazing that you are trying to figure out where you want to be in your life. It takes a lot to be able to give yourself a chance to put things in perspective! I am positive that once you figure out where you want to be you will not regret it at all. I am glad that you like OU. I find it to be an incredible campus. People are so kind and sweet! I hope you figure things out!

  20. What're some of your favorite things to play on the piano? I took lessons for a couple years but didn't really learn anything because I never made the time to practice... certainly one of my bigger regrets in life! Too bad my mom trusted me to do it myself haha. Same thing actually happened with the guitar actually... I wonder if that will be my mid-life crisis.

  21. Hey, Madelyn!
    I'm actually in the other class (mythology/ folklore) but I wanted to check out this class and see what yall have been working on!
    I see your birthday is coming up on my favorite holiday- happy birthday!!
    I LOVE that you have a passion for animals- I do too! I'm especially obsessed with my dog, Mercedes, and my whole project for this class is centered around her.
    Nice to meet you, can't wait to read your stories!

  22. Wow! You definitely managed to tell us everything in a short amount of time! I am also a huge animal lover, although I definitely prefer dogs, since I'm allergic to cats. I've always been interested in learning how to dance! I'm actually taking ballroom dance as a class next semester to finally satisfy that particular curiosity! And my cousin changed her major 5 times before finally landing on Marketing. Good luck!

  23. FINALLY, I get into a group with someone's introduction I have not read yet. It sounds like Southern Nazarene University was not a fun place! How did you like your time at UCO? I go there even though I am taking this class with OU. I love that everyone in this class is posting pictures of their pets. Pets are the best things to bond over. All the animals you posted are so adorable. I love it. Anyway, I hope you have a great end to your semester!

  24. For some reason I've never seen your introduction before? Anyway, wow, so many things to talk about! I also love pets and animals and I'm so jealous! I wish I had half as many pets as you did although not at once! I love that you foster them too that is so sweet! I don't have any experience with changing colleges but it sounds like if it was that bad then it was definitely worth it. Best of luck on picking your major too! Maybe you should do something with music since you like it so much? Anyway good luck with everything and hope you get more cute animals!
