Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reading Notes: Sita Sings the Blues, Part B

I was surprised by how much I liked this film. It really isn't my typical style but I think I found it so odd that it was intriguing. I liked that in the end the connection was made with the modern day couple and The Ramayana. The whole time I couldn't figure it out, besides the fact that they were in India for part of the film. I really liked being able to watch The Ramayana in a film. This allowed me to focus a lot better than when I read it. I am not much of a reader but I do really liked films! I feel like I could definitely make a unique story out of Sita's time in the forest while she was pregnant. I feel like Sita faces a lot of unnecessary ridicule after she is taken by Ravana. I would like to make a story where Rama stands up for Sita more instead of just banishing her to the forest! 

Nina Paley

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