Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading Notes: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution- Part A

I really liked these short YouTube episodes of The Mahabharata. I am a visual learner so the narrations during the episodes were very helpful to me. I get sleepy when I read and my mind wanders but when I have someone read something to me, I find it's a lot easier for me to focus and hone in on details. I was able to clear up parts of Mahabharata that were fuzzy for me after the first time I read through it. The characters were also a lot easier to keep straight with the illustrations. Though the names are still confusing and most I cannot even pronounce! This week I think I might write about Vyasa and the three women, Ambika, Ambalika and the servant girl, who bared his three sons. I find the story very interesting and will have to think of a clever way to make it my own.

Bibliography: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by Epified TV (India)

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