Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Growth Mindset: 4 Lesson in Creativity

I watched Julie Bernstein's video over the four lessons in creativity. I am drawn to creative people. When I feel that I am lagging behind, talking to someone about their passion is likely propel me forward. I enjoyed listening to the words of all the creative people she had interviewed. It truly excites me to hear all the different point of views. I liked how she focused so much on imperfections. We tend to have some sort of creative plan but that doesn't mean things always go according to that plan. She used the pottery as an example. She showed how one pot acquired a crackle pattern on it due to the quick change in temperature. The pattern was not intended but it was actually beautiful. Or when she talks about how the photographer was about to make something beautiful out of the rubble from 9/11, I feel that I can relate to that. I can really only write after I've been heart broken. While this is a form of destruction, it makes the most beautiful art, at my own cost. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I think it is that way for many artists. The strongest of feelings end up as the most vibrant. Creative people will always ignite the spark inside of me. I really enjoyed this short video. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! Passionate people find a way to ignite the fire within you! It allows you to be able to find a direction or focus in your own lives. I love the examples that you chose to give us! I think that those are great ways to stay positive regardless of what goes wrong sometimes.
