Thursday, November 3, 2016

Story Planning: The Sea Turtle and The Dolphin

This week I chose to focus on a few of the Jataka Tales. I really enjoyed reading these. Since they were written for children they were simple and easy to comprehend. Each involved a different set of animals and each taught a lesson about life. I feel like using the Jataka Tales as a guideline for my story could be very helpful. Maybe I could choose a specific life lesson and then pick my animals accordingly. I want to challenge myself to pick an animal that wasn't already used i the Jataka Tales. 

For this next story I want to challenge myself also to focus more on punctuation. I have been struggling with it in previous weeks. I also want to become better at editing my own stories. I think skill is extremely important to a writer. 

I think I would like to use a sea turtle as one of my animals in my story. Maybe a sea turtle and a dolphin? Or maybe a whale? I think setting my story in the sea would make for a ton of vibrant imagery. Maybe it could give it a Finding Nemo kind of feel. 

For the lesson maybe I could focus on "follow your passion". Not sure what the passions will be for the dolphin and sea turtle yet but I'm sure I can come up with something really cute. I love being able to personify these creatures. Stories always seem to be more intriguing when talking animals are involved. 

I am eager to write this story because I feel like I can really dig deep into my imagination. I'm excited to develop a unique, feel-good story. I also feel like I can pack more emotion into this story which I always love. I primarily write poetry in my free time so emotion is usually what I use to propel myself. 

Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt


  1. Although your story eventually came to involve an unlikely friendship between two species, I think you could still this setting or a similar one for another story. This new story could involve an animal trying to become a poet but all of the other animals laughing at it. It would be easy to add certain ideas from the Ramayana, such as contests and wanderings through the forest. Who knows? Maybe the protagonist could write the world's best poetry while he's isolated.

  2. I'm about to read your story, but I just wanted to swing by this first to get a feel for what you're interested in writing about. I love that you choose personifying animals because it's a really great way to appeal to people of all ages, especially students like us who grew up with Disney and other franchises that use animals as creative storytelling tools to get across meaningful messages. I look forward to reading your story!
