Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading Notes: Jataka Tales, Part A

This week I decided to read the Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt. I read the tale of "The Foolhardy Wolf". I liked this tale because I feel like there is a huge underlying lesson to it. In life I feel that often we become too confident in our ability to do things on our own. This kind of reminds me a bit of the relationship between a child and their parent. Children are always so eager to go out and do things on their own, until they really get thrown into the real world. I know this happened to me once I went to college. Being an adult definitely isn't easy. In this story the lion was making all the kills for the wolf as long as the wolf would look out for prey and notify the lion of them. They had the perfect dynamic going on until the wolf grew bigger and took on too big a task. He wanted to take down his own elephant and in ignoring the lions warnings that he wouldn't be able to do it, was killed by the elephant. I am so eager to read more of these tales and hopefully compile them into a story of my own about life lessons!

Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt

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