Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading Notes: Jataka Tales, Part B

I read another Jataka tale tonight. I really like these because they have to do with animals and animals are one of my biggest passions. I read "The Elephant and The Dog" this time. This was about the friendship built between an elephant and a dog. In life there seems to be many interesting animal friendships. I feel that the human race could learn a lot from nature. An elephant and a dog could not be more different but that doesn't stop them from loving one another. Once they are separated both are devastated. The elephant won't even eat or bathe. In the end once the dog returns to the elephant they are both elated. In life sometimes we think if someone is drastically different from us we won't be able to get along. But we are all living and breathing beings, on the same earth. When it comes down to it we aren't that different at all. We are all capable of love, every single being. I fully believe that. I really loved this short little tale and feel that I will be able to write a great story this week based off the Jataka Tales.

Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt

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