Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Story Planning: The Brave Little Bear

I am considering writing a story off of "The Brave Little Bowman" story. I may include a hunter in my story and have him be the antagonist. It will start with a family of bears in the woods and all their woodland friends. I could also incorporate parts of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". So there would be Papa Bear, Momma bear and Baby bear in my story. I could have Papa bear get caught in the hunter's trap and then baby bear has to rise to the occasion and save Papa while protecting Momma. 

The bears will be a family of grizzlies. Baby bear's best friends will be a fawn and a young hawk. I want to use a hawk so that he can use his flight to help Baby bear save Papa bear and the other animals in the forest. I'd like to start out my story with how the three became friends. I think it would be cute to write about the young hawk learning to fly, the fawn learning to run and Baby bear learning how to climb a tree. This will explain the bond they have with one another and lead up to them helping Baby bear. 

I don't want the hunter to be killed in my story but rather just scared off. I think it would be interesting to have Baby bear not be able to roar. Maybe this is something Baby bear is very self conscious of. And then I could have Baby bear's roar scare off the hunter and all the animals will be so happy for him finding his roar finally. At this point I am just spouting off ideas but I guess that's what brainstorming is. I want to make this story a combination of a few of the Jataka tales I've read this week. 

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