Monday, September 19, 2016

Feedback Focus

Focus technique one was my favourite. I actually already use this technique. I always find it hard for me to stay focused while reading, my mind always wonders to other things so reading out loud usually helps me stay on task a bit better. I also like to pretend I am reading to another person which helps me because I really have to try to portray the story in a way someone would understand and be interested in. I've found that this method works best for me. 

I thought the second technique was really unique. I think if I combined it with the first technique it may really be beneficial for me. Note-taking is also something I have struggled with in the past. I have a hard time picking out what is REALLY important to jot down. But just jotting down thoughts you have while reading is a great idea. I think this technique could be very helpful to me down the road with reading assignments. 

I didn't like the last technique as much as the other two. Being timed usually doesn't help me. I get anxious and end up wondering how much time I have left instead of focusing. I'm not the fastest reader so I would end up trying to beat the clock rather than really honing in and focusing on the material I'm reading. Overall, the first technique seemed to work best for me. They are all great ideas for ways to stay focused, and I know I need to learn to stay on task more!

1 comment:

  1. Woo, extra comments!

    Remember when you comment on my intro that you thought we had stuff in common? This was almost the same way I felt about the focus readings. I'm the same way with the timer. I hate it. BUT I decided to try and shift my focus to see if it could help me and my anxiety. I allowed myself to fail if I couldn't make it in time, and that would just have to be okay. I ended up working well with the timer because, even though I don't always beat it, my train of thought is much stronger and it seems like my ideas have more follow through. Maybe try it again with less pressure on yourself!
