Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 5 Story: Adelaide

It was a Friday night, so of course Joe and his friends planned to go out on the town. Joe's family was very wealthy- owning many oil wells across the country. So Joe always picked up the tab for everyone. They walked into their usual spot on Friday nights - the Cosmopolitan - and grabbed some seats at the bar. The bartender, Frank, was already making Joe's whiskey on the rocks when he walked in. Joe was a regular there so all the staff knew him. 

"How's it going, buddy?" the bartender asked as he set down his drink in front of him. Joe took a sip of his whiskey and smiled. 

"Pretty good, man, just glad Friday's finally here." He was looking out the windows at the Oklahoma skyline when someone caught his eye.  

A beautiful woman, alone at the end of the bar sipping the last drop out of a huge glass of red wine. He asked the bartender what she was drinking and bought her another. Frank set the wine down in front of the woman. 

"Oh, I didn't order another. I was just going to ask for my tab!" 

He smiled. "The gentleman down there bought you another"- he nodded to Joe. 

Joe smiled at her and got up from his seat to talk to her. "Hi, I'm Joe. I couldn't help but buy a beautiful girl like you a drink! What's your name?" 

She smiled shyly. "Well, you're very kind to do so! I was actually about to head home soon, but I guess now I must stay at least to finish this wine. My name is Adelaide." She took a sip of her wine, glancing up at him with her giant emerald eyes. 

They talked and drank the whole night and he ordered an Uber for the both of them. They ended up spending the night in his loft. I'm sure you can guess how that went. The next morning she was still there sleeping next to him. This was a regular occurrence for Joe but never had he ever felt this way towards a woman. He even decided to make her breakfast.

A few weeks passed. They were still consistently spending time with one another. One evening she sat down at his table for dinner. Adelaide had been acting a bit odd. He poured her her favorite glass of red wine and she just stared at it the entire dinner. 

Finally Joe asked, "Not feeling the wine tonight?" 

She looked up from her plate, which was still full of food, and said, "I'm pregnant." 

Joe set down his utensils and tried to hide the shock from his face. "Oh. Okay, that's okay... Uhh well we can make a doctor's appointment tomorrow and we-" 

"It's okay, we don't have to keep it. I know it's not the time right now," she said. 

"No, Adelaide, I want this baby. I want you. We can have this family. I know that it's so soon, but I'm sure if you are." 

She  gave him a weak smile. "It just so scary. I feel like we just met... because well, we did." Joe reassured her that everything would work out and that he loved her no matter how little time they had spent together. 

Two months after that Adelaide and Joe got married and nine months from then their son was born. He was so strong and handsome. They named him Maddox and he was perfect in every way. After a couple days they were able to bring Maddox home and get him settled. Joe was puzzled when none of Adelaide's family had showed up to witness the birth of Maddox and when he inquired about it Adelaide just brushed it under the rug and said she just hadn't talked to her family in years. Joe didn't think much of this but for some reason he had felt uneasy about not knowing that part of her life. So he began to do some research. He found no one under her name. Which he found extremely strange. So he hired someone to look into her life further. Turns out Adelaide was not even her name. Her name was Heather. She was born in Germany and had spent time in jail there. In fact she was serving a death sentence when she escaped. They never found her, since she fled to the US incognito. But why? Why was she serving a death sentence? The investigator pulled out her record and showed him. She was charged for the death of seven infants. Joe's mouth dropped and he began to hyperventilate. He told Adelaide he had a work meeting and would be home late this evening meaning she was still home alone with Maddox. Before the investigator could utter another word Joe was out the door and on his way home. He didn't know how he would handle the situation but he knew he had to get Maddox away from her. 

He walked in the garage door and Adelaide greeted him with a kiss. He faked a smile. "Where's my boy?" 

"Asleep in his crib!" Joe rushed to his room with Adelaide following behind him. 

"Honey, what's wrong? Don't wake him. I just got him to sleep!" 

He grabbed Maddox and held him against his chest, his eyes wet with tears. 

"Would you like to tell me who you really are, Heather?" 

Adelaide's face fell, as she began to back away from Joe. She shook her head and ran. She took nothing with her and never returned again. That was the last Joe or anyone saw of her. 

Author's note:
I thought the story about Santanu (Joe) and Ganga (Adelaide/Heather) who drowned all seven of her children and kept the eighth was extremely disturbing but also intriguing. I thought it would be interesting to write a murder mystery kind of story modeled after the Mahabharata. I'm sure you can tell by reading some of my other stories that I really like to try to modernize these stories. I feel like it makes it easier to understand them and remember the details of the story if I can make it more relatable to my life today. I would really like to have been able to elaborate more on this story but I'm trying to do better at staying within the word count requirements! I think maybe I may end up writing another part to this. It ends kind of abruptly but that makes it more of a cliffhanger that way. I think keeping stories short and sweet definitely makes them better but I also feel like I had to speed through this story. This isn't my typical style of story so it allowed me to test my horizons a bit. I'm eager to start revising this story. I hope you all enjoyed the story! 

Bibliography: Narayan's Mahabharata 


  1. If you think that you'd like to elaborate more on a story like this, have you considered telling it in pieces? You left it at a very suspenseful stopping point, but maybe your next story could be an offshoot of this one styled like the detective's case file or maybe a piece in the POV of Heather. Still, I liked your modern version and I look forward to reading more from you!

  2. I think this might be one of your best yet. I liked the twist there at the end. I didn't see it coming, even though I had read the original story. Everything seemed so casual. The only thing seemed abnormal was how much they were into each other. I figured it was going to end on a happy note. Nope! I figured out what it was based on when the seven children were mentioned, and was like "oh, no."

    Just out of curiosity, why'd you pick Germany? Also, how do you pick all these names for people? I'm the worst at that.

  3. Madelyn, I absolutely loved your story! The only thing that I was confused about was why Heather/Adelaide didn't take the last baby with her, like Ganga did in the story, but honestly, it made your story end a little happier since Joe got to keep his baby boy. I like how you made an entire backstory for Joe and Heather's romance. I was looking at all three of your stories and trying to decide which one to read, and I saw the red wine and it immediately captured my attention. Red wine looks oddly close to blood, so the imagery that it conjures is perfect for your story. Your short summary of the story on your blog is also perfectly phrased to grab the reader's attention. Once I saw "sucker for suspense", I had to read it! You could even make a sequel with this story since Ganga came back later and brought back the eighth son. Can't wait to read more of your stories.

  4. Hey Madelyn! I loved reading this story and I think you did a great job with it. I liked how there was a backstory for Joe and Heather's romance. I felt like that added a lot to the story and was a needed aspect. I think that a sequel to this story would be a really interesting addition to do. I feel that you left this story in a very suspenseful ending so a sequel would be fitting and easy to do.
    I have read all three of your stories so far and enjoy your writing! I have learned from it and taken some of your writing skills to help me out in my own writing. I think you are off to a great start with all of your stories and I look forward to coming back to read more.

  5. I really enjoyed this story. You did a good job of giving us scenes of a happy relationship. It makes Joe's discovery even more shocking. I can imagine him feeling as though the whole world is crashing down on him when he discovers that.
    There are really only a few things that I would change or correct. In the ninth paragraph, you wrote "he ordered and Uber for the both of them." this should be changed to "an Uber".
    The paragraph which begins, "Two months after that Adelaide..." is a little long. I would suggest breaking it up some more. You could divide it between the points about Adelaide's family and the investigator. The other paragraphs are perfectly sized.
    Overall, I think this was a really strong story. You did a good job of integrating the original Indian stories, but in a way that was very surprising. I would definitely like to read any sequels or continuations of this story.

  6. I really, really enjoyed this story! I liked how charming Adelaide was in the beginning, and how you got the audience to be happy for the two of them starting a life together. I also like how subtly you introduced that something wasn't quite right, and how Joe never realized how little he knew about Adelaide. He was so intrigued by her that he never thought about how little he knew about her until he was reminded of it. I feel as if that is how a lot of things are. Too good to be true, almost. Also, I really liked how you introduced Adelaide's pregnancy. I thought that Adelaide rejecting the wine that brought the two of them together was very powerful and effective as, ultimately, the pregnancy is what drove them apart. This story was very suspenseful and it kept me engaged the whole time! I am very glad that Joe got to keep Maddox, and I would really like to know if there is anymore Adelaide/Heather drama. Thanks for a good read!

  7. Hey, Madelyn! Your modern take on this story is great. The version of Ganga’s story that I read made the whole thing sound way too normal; she was essentially “mercy killing” her children so that they could be reborn. While we never learn Heather’s motivations for the killings, we’re at least left properly freaked out at the end. Bringing this story up to date makes it a lot easier to identify with!

    Here are a few lines I wanted to point out:
    “They ended up spending the night in his loft. I'm sure you can guess how that went.” I smiled at this :) I wonder what strikes Joe as so special about her. What was going through his head when she looked up at him with those big emerald eyes? That might help bring the reader on board a little more with Joe’s sudden leap in commitment. (So far, he doesn’t strike me as the family type, and he doesn’t know anything about her! Who doesn’t Google a prospective spouse?!)

    Possible typo? ”Two months after that Adelaide and Joe got married and nine months from then their son was born.” Did you mean to imply that Adelaide was pregnant for 11 months?

    “Would you like to tell me who you really are, Heather?" --> Classic line!

    Thanks for the story!

  8. Wow, this is definitely different from your other stories! I really like mysteries, so this was great! I love the suspense once he realized Adelaide wasn't who she said she was! I'll be honest I was a little worried for Maddox even though he should have been safe. I liked how you adapted the myth, but I wish there had been more explanation! I'm dying to know why she killed her other kids. Will you ever go back and explain what you had in mind?

  9. Quick catches as I read!
    "it just so scary" --> "it's just so scary"

    This story was so fun! I think you could expand this story so far if you wanted to in the future! I would love to know more about how she came to the US, what were her motives for killing these babies, and seriously, who the heck is Heather?! It would be really cool to know more about Joe. Was he just an average guy caught in an extrodinary situation? Also, did she purposefully becoming pregnant... if so, why? I think the best thing an author can do is create a story that makes the reader ask for more! Great job!
