Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reading Notes: The Mahabharata Part C

One of the chapters that's really stuck out to me so far was the "Hundred Questions" chapter. I love how there's always so much nature involved in these epics. The imagery in this chapter was also very appealing. I found it interesting the each brother still drank the water even though the voice warned each not to. Even though they could each (besides Nakula) clearly see the outcome of drinking the water without answering the questions- they could not ignore their thirst. When Yudhistira arrived and obeyed the yaksha, i found the questions and answers to all be very intriguing. While reading this it really reminded me of a mom berating their child with questions. I thought this could be a possible way for me to put a fun twist on the story. Maybe the brothers stayed out too late the night before and the moms asking typical mom questions like "Who were you with?" "What were you doing?" Where were you at?" Because I'm sure we have all been there and I'm sure we can all attest to the fact that moms can truly ask a hundred questions! 

Narayan's Mahabharata 

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