Monday, September 19, 2016

Portfolio Introduction

I decided to go with a portfolio so I'll be able to keep my creativity flowing with new stories and new ideas! If I chose the storybook I'm afraid my writer's block would have kicked in full force! I think this will allow me to really explore all different types of stories!

Bachelor in Paradise (Indian Edition)
If you're a hopeless romantic who's into reality shows, this story is for you. If you've never seen Bachelor in Paradise, you should watch an episode. Check out my spinoff from the show and let me know what you think!

Draupadi's Party and Kunti's Hundred Questions
Ever wondered what the Pandava sons would be like in modern-day high school? Say no more because here is your answer. This is my personal best so please read away! Leave me some comments!

If you're a sucker for suspense then this story is right up your alley. This story is based off the chapter of the Mahabharata about Shantanu and Ganga. I found it very intriguing that Ganga drowned all her children but one and decided to modernize the story.

The Sea Turtle and Whale
Do you like Finding Nemo? Then this story is for you!!! Come on a fun little journey with Ruth and Eugene full of love and acceptance! 

Sita's Rebellion 
Are you ready to see Sita stand up for herself? Well here you go. Read about how Sita chooses freedom over love. 

1 comment:

  1. You must be a very exciteable person! All three sentences ended with an exclamation mark! That's better than them all ending in questions marks though? Then they'd all sound like up-speak? Like how Michelle from American Pie talked? I look forward to checking out your portfolio! I think I reached my extra-credit word-requirement? I also think I managed my goal of not ending any sentence with a period - how about that?
